Thursday, August 18, 2011

Progress: Teamwork

A lovely post from Boyfriend. Enjoy!

There is no I in team. No man is an island. It take two to make this thing go right... We all have heard these cliches, probably we are guilty of uttering them. Funny thing about stuff like this, usually there is truth behind it. As readers of this fine blog already know this Boyfriend has recently found himself in the unemployment line. Ironic, I guess, as your MatchGirl is well know for her other blog Unemployed Brooklyn.

One could say I’m lucky to have a girlfriend who parlayed unemployment into a successful blog and plenty of great press. Well, readers I am indeed a lucky man. I’m lucky not because I live with someone who knows tons of people and is extremely well networked. Not because I live with someone who was unemployed for 18 months during some of the worst economic times in the last 20 years. Nope, I’m lucky because I live with someone who’s most enduring trait is to care and look out for others. Your MatchGirl is a team player. When I told her I was laid off, she was concerned but made me feel OK about things. She said she understood and I knew she really meant it. Now she also said I could not lay around watching TV all day but I knew that already.

As I get closer to finding a new. I can look back at the last couple of weeks and see what a help it has been to have someone helping build me up. There is pressure to find a good job for sure but this pressure isn’t coming from your MatchGirl. She has repeatedly told me to make sure I’m looking for the job that will make me happy not just the best money or quickest turnaround. I feel more at ease during these uncertain times knowing that I have a partner who wants whats best for us the two of us as a team.

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